Like the previous year1, the REFORMED has participated in the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), organized by the European Educational Research Association (EERA). In the 2018 edition, we have presented the double panel Globalizing Test-Based Accountabilities in Education: Policy Transfer and Recontextualization Dynamics, chaired by Toni Verger, and discussed by Susan Robertson2. This double panel discussed the international dissemination of test-based accountability (TBA), and addressed -among others- the following questions: What are the most appropriate theoretical approaches to analyze the global adoption of TBA? What are the nature (disruptive, or incremental) of the transformations generated by the implementation of TBA reforms? What are the main rationales for adopting TBA at the country level? What are the most relevant local actors at country level, and what are their dynamics (e.g., negotiation, resistance)? In order to answer these questions, it has been discussed the appropriateness and limits of several theoretical premises in order to analyze the implementation of TBA reforms (Jaakko Kauko3, Sverre Tveit4), it has been identified the policy trajectories followed by these reforms (Antoni Verger, Lluís Parcerisa, Clara Fontdevila), and exemplified through several country-cases: Australia (by Bob Lingard5, Sam Sellar6 and Steven Lewis7), and many REFORMED country cases: Brazil (Andreu Termes, Laura Mentini), Norway (Marjolein Camphuijsen), Netherlands (Natalie Browes), and Spain (Marcel Pagès).